Mahaffey MathCounts Competitive Math Club
I am happy to inform you that Mahaffey Middle School is once again a MathCounts Competitive School! We are a member of the Green River Chapter and will be competing in the upcoming Green River Chapter MathCounts Competition this February (date TBD). APSU competition (date TBD) We had our first meeting on Wednesday, September 17.
   A couple of important pieces of information:
Since this is a competitive math team, each competitor is expected to be at each team meeting on Wednesdays directly after school.
As a competition team we will be choosing the best ten participants, plus two alternates, from our mathletes in the club. We will be accepting 15 mathletes into our MathCounts competitive club this year. Unfortunately, by the end of November we will have to pare it down to twelve mathletes (10 competitors & 2 alternates).
For the first time MathCounts will be holding at least four practice competitions to better prepare each Mathlete to be the very best they can be for the competition.
We will be accepting permission slips until all twenty seats are filled.
The activity bus will arrive at the school at approximately 15:50 to take our mathletes home; if you are picking up your mathlete, 15:45 will be a good time as we will be preparing to leave at that time.
We will be sending home a permission slip with students soon who want to become one of Mahaffey’s Mathletes.
I would like to take a moment and thank you for supporting our math team by allowing your student to join and compete. I know how difficult it can be to juggle your time with what seems to be an ever-increasing demand upon it. We are trying to create a program (not unlike football) that prepares the underclassman for varsity level competition. I think this is a very important part of our program.
The twelve competition Mathletes will be chosen through performance in the four practice competitions (10 Competitors and 2 alternates).
Math Counts is a national program developed by a consortium of engineers from many different companies with the purpose of continuing to identify and promote today’s young mathematicians into becoming tomorrow’s world class engineers. It is open only to 6th, 7th, and 8th grades including 8th grade Algebra 1 students. These men and woman donate a great deal of their time to administering this program and are very dedicated to its success. Math Counts is in its 33rd year. It is supported by companies the country over who employ mathematicians and engineers of all types.
Open to: Select Students who have demonstrated and understanding and love for mathematics
Meets on: Wednesday
Meeting Time: 2:45-3:45